David A. Leffel Art Instruction Video – Painting the Portrait: Portrait of Lewis
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1DQ2Cg0Bvg This is a nice video of David A. Leffel. ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1DQ2Cg0Bvg This is a nice video of David A. Leffel. ...
I was organizing photos of my paintings last night when I found this one. This is a detail of the full piece. What is so odd is that I had completely forgotten about it; in fact, I don't know what happened to it. I must of given it...
A New Direction in Art Education, The Florence Academy of Art, Andy Warhol, and a New Aesthetic Movement, by Dr. Gregory Hedberg, is an excellent article that explains the evolution of academic art in the past two decades. I was part of the larger group; when I graduated...
Many people and institutions that I admire are unhappy about Facebook's policy on censoring nudity in artwork. Simply put, I think that Facebook has a right to censor nudity on their own site. I certainly don't believe that artwork with nude figures need to be censored from the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JxCYI60iYE&feature=player_embedded David Kassan's webcast tonight was fascinating to watch. It's a shame the audio was touch-and-go throughout; nevertheless, everyone had a great time in the chat room and learned a lot about David's technique. David blocks in the form, paying more attention to proportion than to volume until he is satisfied...