Odd Nerdrum Painting Technique

By Derek Van Derven

I had no idea that there was so much scraping involved in Odd Nerdrum’s painting technique! From this video clip it doesn’t look as if too much is achieved by the scraping. I suppose it provides a nice thick surface to work on, and it probably allows unexpected colors to show up through the surface layers.

I added a few close-ups of Odd Nerdrum’s paintings below.


Detail of Sole Morte (p223)



Detail of The Murder of Andreas Baader (p112)


Detail of Self-Portrait with Dressing-Gown (p96)


  • Derek

    02.10.2010 at 11:38 Reply

    Hello, I am the author of that video. You can learn Odd Nerdrum’s technique, Rembrandt’s portrait technique, and Old Master Drawing technique in books, ebooks, and videos at http://oldmastercopies.com.
    The scraping I did in that video was a final layer to get the underlayers to show through, (not really evident in the video), the early scraped stages are more evident as to what the scraping does, you can also use sandpaper for smoother portraits, and don’t forget to scrape and sand the background as well as the foreground. Happy paintingl. Derek

  • Stephanie

    02.10.2010 at 13:08 Reply

    Hi Derek, thanks for explaining. I am fascinated by your technique, but I haven’t gotten up the nerve yet to try it. Maybe today I will give it a shot. Did you ever study with Odd Nerdrum? I’m curious how you learned this method.

  • Derek

    07.10.2010 at 02:23 Reply

    I learned Nerdrum’s technique (or as close as is humanly possible to it lol) by copying his paintings for 12 years, and failing for many of those years. I also tracked down about 10 or more of his former students and asked them direct questions about Nerdrum’s technique when they were studying with him in Nerdrum’s studio. The basic technique of Nerdrum is, “pixellation” of tones rather than flatly painted strokes, the strokes are broken up by sanding and/or scraping the upper thinner layers of the paint. Then glazing is applied in many stages to get texture and tonal effects. My publisher of my books has not the best paper quality, so my demonstration images in the books aren’t the greatest, but you can still learn from those books. The videos are ok too, I would say the two most important things I did to show people Odd Nerdrum’s technque was to publish 2 books, 1 is “Odd Nerdrum Technique The Research Pages(the revised edition),, and “Copying Odd Nerdrum’s Paintings All In One, which is really the best single piece of information (200 pages of examples step by step) that exists anywhere in the world.
    If you have questions about his technique you can ask me. Thanks. Derek

  • Derek

    07.10.2010 at 02:41 Reply

    Nerdrum offers a workshop at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 3 days for $1400 or $1200 or something like that. He uses the “alla prima” method there, and basically, doesn’t have time to use his normal technique so the paintings he shows there as demonstrations look nothing like his “real” works. So I think it would be wise to just save the money. You can learn the “alla prima” method from any old book. Most students that studied with him, are not very good painters even after the apprenticeship, even if it was for over a year. Nerdrum evidently does not offer much instruction, but just lets you stand there as he paints. Like I said in my book, “most of them remembered almost nothing about Nerdrum’s technique, but some students, even if their own paintings were not very good, had a ton of information because of their great memories”.

  • Derek

    07.10.2010 at 02:49 Reply

    I just looked at your portfolio of figure paintings. You will have no problem making great copies of Nerdrum because you can draw well already. Very good paintings!

  • Derek

    07.10.2010 at 02:55 Reply

    You will be tiling your strokes however in small strokes with small brushes, and using the fan brush dragging a lot in the large areas of your figures, there will be more warm and cool colors, and your layers will be of differing thicknesses. You will also be glazing a lot. Nerdrum has mastered drawing, but so have you. Better than me. But the only missing element to try to copy Nerdrum is to “tile” and “drag” your strokes in smaller strokes, and build them up in differing thicknesses layer by layer, sanding for smoother figures and areas, and the razorblade for more broken up areas or for more textured effect. Rembrandt also I think was the inspiration for this “broken up” type of texture that kind of represents a kind of impressionistic surface that looks great and broken up up close, then blends together when you stand back. In my opinion, Nerdrum and Rembrandt are the greatest painters who have ever lived, however I dislike Nerdrum’s depressing view of the world, and the depressing subject matter he paints, but the look of his paintings are my favorite. It is all sanding, scraping, and glazing. That is the Nerdrum technique basically that separates his paintings, (other than color, tone and drawing) from others.

  • Stephanie

    07.10.2010 at 10:09 Reply

    Derek, I see what you mean about the tiling of strokes. Odd Nerdrum’s technique is truly amazing. Thank you for your in-depth analysis. I am sure my readers will be interested in what you have to say in your book. I would love to incorporate this painting technique in to my work; however, I wouldn’t want to use Nerdrum’s closed-form modeling/isolating of the figures since that would stray too far from my current style. Thanks again for your insight.

  • Derek

    07.10.2010 at 19:08 Reply

    No problem. All of the above images were scraped with the razor blade or sanded. That is what gives them that “chaotic fresh” appearance, that looks more like a photograph than a painted head.

  • Anonymous

    27.11.2010 at 17:03 Reply

    Why doesn’t Derek Vandenberger just go paint his own paintings, instead of all of this talk about Odd Nerdrum?

    Is this the same Fellow who posted all over the internet asking questions about how Odd Nerdrum does things?

    Also, did Mr. Nerdrum give his permission for his images to be used? Too many questions that need to be answered.

    • Stephanie

      25.05.2011 at 11:16 Reply

      In defense of Derek…then, why is everyone researching Odd Nerdrum’s painting technique? At least Derek has made an effort to recreate the style of painting he admires and has published his discoveries for others who are interested.

  • Daniel

    04.06.2011 at 02:07 Reply

    I have seen his “discoveries” of Nerdrum techniques.

    He has been criticizing all over the internet about technical aspects of people’s work, students who have REALLY STUDIED with Odd, yet his work with all do respect is technically lacking in all departments, from drawing to painting and is inferior to the work of Nerdrum’s students.

    All this Derek Guy talks about is Nerdrum techniques, but he has forgotten to learn the fundamentals of EVERYTHING. 12 years of copying? It doesn’t show he learned anything because he draws like when I was seven(I started drawing and painting when I was five) and he paints like when I was 10. This guy’s work lacks anatomy, perspective, depth and color, yet he criticizes other peoples work? What kind of person is this to learn from?

    Worst of all I went to his so called “Nerdrum research papers” just to see for myself what a friend told me and a lot of the content that people are paying for regarding Nerdrum’s techniques is already free on the internet. People are basically paying for photos and links to information that are free to the public. That’s is a TOTAL SCAM and this guy is a hack. He’s probably going to remove the stuff that I just mentioned.

    Like the other person said, this is the guy who was asking all over the internet about Odd Nerdrum techniques and now is charging people for the information that many students he’s been criticizing have given him willingly and freely.

    If people read this, don’t buy into his crap and save your money. Go on and spend it on a museum ticket or an art book. A very close friend and student of Nedrum already published in a blog information and photos about Nedrum’s process and some palettes he uses and it’s FREE to everyone who is interested in learning about Nerdrum. Just search for “Concept to Composition Odd Nerdrum”(it’s one of the links in this guy’s payed”research papers”)in google.

    Stephanie, I hope you didn’t buy into this guy’s crap. Coming from a person who has been painting for 20 years(started when I was 5), if you want to learn how to paint, believe me there is no other way to compensate for creating great paintings,learn the fundamentals first, something Nerdrum did and this guy did not do.

    • Stephanie

      04.06.2011 at 07:53 Reply

      Hi Daniel, Thanks for commenting! You make a lot of good points. The first time I heard of Derek was when I searched for this video of Odd Nerdrum’s techniques. I was merely curious to know what Nerdrum’s method was. Just curious. I didn’t realize until afterward that this was from someone who has only tried to learn his style. As you mention, techniques aren’t worth much if you don’t master the fundamentals. Personally, though, if I wanted to learn how to paint like Nerdrum, I would try to go to the source. I have studied under several great artists: Vincent Desidario, Steven Assael, and Wade Schuman. It’s important to learn the methods from the source, internalize what you learn, and then make it your own.

      • Daniel

        04.06.2011 at 18:20 Reply

        Excellent! Studying under these three great painters is all you need. Vincent, Steven, Wade and Nerdrum aren’t so different in the way the learned to paint. It’s just that each one took a different path once they mastered everything there was to master and it took them all those years to get to where they are now. Just because one knows some “tricks” will not make one a better painter, it’ll just make one a bad painter who applies the tricks but does not apply the fundamentals. And if one learns from a bad clueless painter we all know the logic on that.

        Your portfolio is great, with beautiful figure paintings and portraits. Stick with what you have learned from these three great painters and just, well, keep painting! You are already way WAY ahead from this Derek hack.

        Cheers to you and to great painting!

      • George

        28.11.2015 at 05:46 Reply

        Prrsonally, I highly doubt you studied under such artists. You may have tried to copy their paintings, gone to a workshop, bought their videos or books, but I highly, highly doubt you actually studied one on one with them.

  • Derek

    27.06.2011 at 04:57 Reply

    Hi Daniel, in defense of me, LOL. I have improved my drawing somewhat. I don’t have models so my drawing is not as good as someone who has models. But the texture techniques are what I was after. If you want to judge your paintings against mine, go to http://painterderek.com. and compare yours to mine. just post your website so I can see your work if I am a “hack”. Judge my work by the textures I say I can produce. If you have read any of my research, you would know that much of it was texture, not drawing. Also, the pages are free, the videos are free, the blog is free, the only things that are not free are the books and the publisher sets minimum prices for those and I make like no money. I did not do it for the money anyway. I came across your criticism of me, and decided to defend myself since you posted everything after I made it all free and still have a problem with me. I have taken the criticisms of former nerdrum students off the site except for the already published books. Now it is time Daniel for you to post your site and lets see what you have to back yourself up instead of bashing me on the internet anonymously.

    • Tajik

      25.04.2016 at 01:59 Reply

      Good on you Derek, I watch a lot of what you post and find some very useful info. Lov Nerdrum Best Artist work in a very long time

  • Derek

    27.06.2011 at 05:21 Reply

    also, unless you have read my blog, the videos I put on the net such as the one above, are WAY out of date. That was like the beginning of my research when I knew almost nothing, but the videos are there now. They bring people to the site, so I will not take them off. But people who judge what I have to say based on the video above are mistaken.

  • derek

    30.06.2011 at 17:24 Reply

    I just put up some tutorials on youtube. they are short. Also, I will be posting drawing tutorials maybe on youtube. I think people are confused. They think because I spent all my time figuring out the texture that I can’t draw. The truth is, I can draw, it is just hard as hell to do Nerdrum texture and draw right at the same time in many layers. Most of the great “draftmen” that criticize me have crappy texture or no texture interest at all other than some tiled brushstrokes. Here is my youtube link.


    • Daniel

      22.12.2011 at 04:16 Reply


      You would not have any trouble drawing and painting and copying other persons’ works if you REALLY knew how to draw and paint. You say “draftsmen” that criticize you have no texture. Well, have you ever come to the idea that they might not have texture because texture is not a part of their aesthetic goals?

      You write and stress so much about techniques, yet you have nothing to show for it, value-wise, proportionally-wise and color-wise( I’m including your youtube videos and website work) with all honesty.

      I don’t want to put up a link to my website and show my work to you because I’m not you, I don’t live in the “let’s see who’s better” world in which you live. I’m so happy with my works and what I have achieve with them. Been able to travel all over, some of my works are in major museum permanent collections, I’ve met some pretty interesting people throughout my journey… and for a twenty four year old, I know I’m doing something right. So, I don’t really need to show you anything.

      You know, in the old days, young art students learned anatomy and drawing YEARS before they even grabbed a brush to start painting. It is the way I was raised and I really recommend you do that. It is never to late.

  • Rembrandt

    24.10.2011 at 16:16 Reply

    In defense of…the right to be humble.
    Derek…Stephanie and Daniel…If derek is humble He will apologize about the comments He did about the students…of Nerdrum.

  • Rembrandt

    24.10.2011 at 16:31 Reply

    And for Daniel and Stephanie…I feel sorry for you.
    Let me tell you why.
    If we want to reach the glory in our work of painting. We must keep open our mind in order to adquire knowledge.
    The true is…that we can learn from anyone who has at least something to share with us. He or She dont need to be a master in drawing, in perspective in painting etc…In order to have something very interesting to share…that can help us.
    Its TRUE that Derek is not a master in drawing…You and Daniel probably are drawing better than many painters together.

    But How can happen that you with all your knowledge and practice had not become to know the tricks of nerdrum in painting?..or any old master? One thing is clear…despite YOU have very good drawing and use of color palette…YOU will not be able to incorporate the method of painting of Nerdrum… in your paintings…..WITHOUT the help that he is offering to all of us. And this is a TRUE….But is you are humble and have a lowlines attitude you will recognize how true is this…..Even you denied this….You already had reveiced Derek´`s HELP. or not?

    • Daniel

      22.12.2011 at 03:32 Reply

      Dear Rembrandt fellow,

      From paisano to paisano,

      I don’t really need to learn “Nerdrum techniques” because these technique you are referring to have been around for centuries and I was lucky to have discovered them ON MY OWN in my teens way before I even learned what they really were and called, way before I even knew who Nerdrum was. Nerdrum has just been using these technique in unique ways to satisfy his own aristic needs. That’s why his paintings are unique. He did not try to copy someone else or SELL things that are already free to the everyone who wishes to learn painting. Unlike this derek, all the knowledge that I have acquired from painting since I was five years old has been available to anyone who has been interested for the taking without having to pay one single penny. They do have to pay, however, with years of hardwork, sweat, trial and error and frustrations, just like I have been doing for the past nineteen years and will keep doing for the rest of my life.

      Even if he apologizes about the comments he’s made about Nerdrum’s students, there is still nothing humble about making money off of someone who has earned it all through his OWN hardwork like Odd has. Plain and Simple.

      You clearly don’t know anything about painting. So let me leave you with something, great painting and wisdom is not acquired through reading or looking at others paint but from YOU painting, FAILING and painting again and again. LEAVE THE BOOKS AND TUTORIALS ALONE AND FOCUS ON YOUR CANVASES as no amount of text and video will make you a better painter. Only YOU can make yourself a better painter.

      D from Mexico D.F

  • Stephanie

    24.10.2011 at 16:39 Reply

    I certainly admire Odd Nerdrums’ paintings, but I am not striving to paint like him. My goal in painting has always been to take the realism and freedom of Sargent’s style, and incorporate narrative and metaphor in a subtle, personal manner. Over the years, Sargent has become less of an influence. Currently, I am exploring painting on my own, and trying new techniques that interest me.

  • Rembrandt

    24.10.2011 at 17:32 Reply

    Well let me tell you that you are marvelous in many aspects.
    you have a great formation in painting and in other things..your work is great despite your age…But people having the potential to become a great painters by his insight through his deep observation., But that can not adquire the necesary formation, with great painters or in famous schools. A little piece of Nerdrum painting is enough. So that explains the obsesion of many on his work…and not only the amateurs painters but even very profesionals.

  • Rembrandt

    25.10.2011 at 01:08 Reply

    Despite anything you can say…You got the technique of the old masters in conection of how to apply the colors, glaze and scumbling…..not only nerdrum`s method of painting.
    Now the problen is that is unbelievable for you Derek.
    SO amazing had been for you to become to know this that results hard to believe it.
    But now you gave up. I understand you.
    But I thank you the talk It was enough for me. Many things to study. I will buy you some books. I hope you dont take them out of the Net….and then I will show you how much you was right….by my works. see you soon

  • Caleb

    30.10.2011 at 04:17 Reply

    Hi Stephanie, I just stumbled upon this post tonight. These comments are more than strange and I’m shocked to see that Rembrandt has come back. I would like to tell you having actually studied with Odd, that Derek’s techniques are not very accurate i’m sorry to say. One major reason being that Odd doesn’t really have a technique, he employs everything he can use. This includes impasto, glazing, sanding, scumbling, rag wipeouts, fingers, w/e. He changes it all the time, he just searches for the end result he is looking for. It’s total freedom he enjoys, he does not find comfort in restraints such as techniques. Also, I’ve never seen him use a razor blade, but perhaps he did at a time in the past.

    If you work in such a fly by the seat of your pants way of making decisions as the painting evolves and resisting anything that speaks of style, you’ll soon find that you’ll have a hard time getting your work to not look like Odds. That’s mostly because so few painters actually work this way, and yet its often most criticized as being unoriginal or Odd-like when employed. The differences between late Titian, late Rembrandt, and late Nerdrum are vast. To most outside of that smaller area they all probably appear very similar or the same. The same as many schools probably think their students all paint different where as outsiders think they all paint exactly the same.

    Derek is correct in that Odd doesn’t like to discuss techniques. Why talk about the tools? The tools only help to shape the spirit of the painting, not become it. Means to an end, not the end. The whole idea is trying to get beyond a portrait or just another painting, and there you’ll build up a sort of history as Odd calls it in your work. And yes, that will often include those little intricacies that people will inevitably spend hours looking at wondering how it was done. The truth being Odd probably wouldn’t know either, or care for that matter.

    Hope this helps.


  • Stephanie

    31.10.2011 at 19:43 Reply

    Thanks for commenting, Caleb. I’m a pretty organic painter myself, so that is refreshing to hear that Odd Nerdrum works in an unconstrained way too. What you say seems right on.

  • Rembrandt

    03.11.2011 at 19:11 Reply

    Thank you Caleb for your post…is great.

  • Mary

    15.01.2012 at 23:28 Reply

    Daniel, in all honesty I think you take yourself far too seriously and you keep on telling all on here about how you started drawing when you were 5…… and how long you have been painting…..and letting people know that they are not good. It’s like you feel you have to prove something. You don’t seem to have much confidence in yourself.
    Yes, everyone finds their own technique in the end….or keeps on working and perfecting the one they have already, but it is good to find inspiration and ideas, weather they come from an accurate source or not. Thanks to the fact that Derek has posted some of these so called Odd techniques on the internet (whether they be completely accurate or not), have certainly inspired me (and there is nothing wrong with inspiration) and I am happy he posted these as I doubt I would, or ever will, have the chance to see Nedrum at work personally…..

  • painter

    30.01.2013 at 19:56 Reply

    I think that maybe Derek doesn’t have it all figured out but i wouldn’t go as far as to say he is in the wrong. I mean he is searching for it. One could say that putting technique before art is like putting the cart before the horse but i don’t think there are inherently any rules on how people should feel about art or technique. Who is it really hurting? If he is getting people interested then isn’t that what counts – or are we such an elitist group that no one is going to be included unless we see that our resumes say we went to art school or studied under some master. Those who study under so called masters fall under the same tropes as everyone else – or even worse and can’t get their instructors voices out of their head or worse stop painting altogether – we have all heard the stats on how many people really continue to paint. I say more power to a man willing to share information – even if it isn’t 100% accurate – he’s getting the ball rolling. Perhaps those chastising him should come forward with a website and share the “Real” knowledge instead of name calling.

  • EmiliO-Paintings

    06.07.2016 at 09:19 Reply

    Hello Derek
    Let the people say or do not say …! I have learned alot enregardant your video on youtube … My style changed since I follow you. Certe my level is not great but what is most important personnelement for me is that I see my work in real time progress thanks to you. I am an amateur in matters of painting, but I do not desepere progress. But is not that the desire of all painters including Nerdrum …?
    Feel free to put other video online

  • berke

    25.07.2017 at 11:44 Reply

    why people critise someone who discovered something as secret as treasure.He is right ,Nerdrum’s students paintings are so far from Nerdrum paintings and Nerdrum dont Show and teach his secret technic to them.People must thank to Derek.Thank you Derek.
    All videos of Derek are treasure for me.I learned these applications from my teacher.He is Nerdrum’s student too and he didnt learn from Nerdrum.He tried so many experiment over 30 years and his paintings are awesome and what Derek share in his videos my teacher use the same technics.I can only Show my teacher name only for Derek .
    Some Nerdrum students are snob and they thought they are immortal:) and they are like a sect ,religious sect:) they dont communicate ,they critise everything only one painter is real painter and Derek is a bad guy to share these secret that their teacher never Show them:)
    and they are bad copies of nerdrum they have not a creativity their subject their colors are imitations.I understand Odd Nerdrum ,he dont want to share his secrets because for all of his technics or secret applications he spend maybe 40 years and he have some big problem in his country about tax and his country did big mistake to this big artist as guilty.that happening caused by the experiment of technic.
    Maybe Nerdrum student becomes jealouse that they did not learn and found these secret another talented man he is not nerdrum’s student and he really find really really good application.In his videos he catch the chance to have same optic,visual results as Nerdrum’s paintings
    And he share .It is very big humanity to share. if i was in his place i didnt share:))
    Thank you Derek.
    Today i will try to send you friendship request from facebook.My name is not Berke.
    I create my own medium gel i can share everything what i discovered and learned only with you
    Kind regards

  • Steve.

    24.02.2018 at 22:34 Reply

    I’ve seen some of Derek’s videos. Sure, not all of it was ‘amazing’ but he did say some things I found useful, perhaps Daniel has been looking through the glass too darkly too often.

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