Oh no! Watercolor Sketch #1

Somehow, I imagined I would have a little more command over the paint. It felt like I was painting with my left hand. I did an initial sketch of the still life, but perhaps it was too rough. With oil paints, the sketch is only a guide that can be changed at any point in time, but with watercolors one doesn’t have the luxury of altering the layout. Since my sketch wasn’t accurate, I tried to rework the drawing with the paint. This was a mistake! It led to heavy layers of paint outlining the fruit — which is not the way watercolor is supposed to look.

Back Camera
Initial Sketch

Back Camera
Still life

On the bright side, this painting only took about ten minutes. It shouldn’t be hard to keep practicing and improve my technique.


  • RDC

    12.09.2010 at 17:46 Reply

    Not bad after a 20 year hiatus!

  • Stephanie

    12.09.2010 at 17:59 Reply

    Thank you, RDC!

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