Product Review – Brush Cleaners

“The Masters” Brush Cleaner and Preserver

For years I have used “The Masters” Brush Cleaner and Preserver — probably because I liked the packaging. The concept is simple: You open the container and inside you find a slightly abrasive bar of soap. Because the container is circular, it is easy to swirl your brush into the soap to work up a lather. Although my old brushes were nearing the end of their lifespan, I would have expected more from this brush cleaner. It hardly seemed to do any good. There is also the temptation to rub the brushes into the soap a little too vigorously and risk damaging them. After thoroughly cleaning my brushes, they still seemed stiff, and I was left wondering if all the paint was out of the bristles. The company also suggests that you “Leave clear lather on brush to shape and condition bristles.” I have tried this, but am unconvinced that is does any good.

Jack’s Linseed Studio Soap

Last week I purchased Jack’s Linseed Studio Soap for the first time. I had no idea what to expect. The container states:

Made from naturally refined linseed oil and our own special blend of natural cleansers. This may be the world’s best brush cleaner…but it can also be used to clean your hands, floors, work surfaces and much more!

I figured I would give it a try. It has a nice, homemade-looking package. The label indicated it was safe, non-toxic, and AP certified. So far, I have been impressed by how well it works. I dipped my brushes into the jar to coat them in the substance, and gently massaged the cleanser into the bristles using the palm of my hand. Remarkably the brushes were very clean when I rinsed them. Only time will tell how well my new brushes will hold up.

Should I see how this cleans the floor as well?


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