Relearning Watercolors

I haven’t thought about watercolors in ages…and I mean ages. One of my first and last experiences with it was in my high school art class. I remember one of my successful paintings; it was of an urban street scene. I found the picture in a magazine that my art teacher gave me. The painting was mostly earth colors with richer greens in the foliage and deeper reds in the bricks. There were people in the image…maybe a kid playing or a woman looking out the window. The painting turned out surprisingly well. I also did a painting of a woman in a venetian gondola — oh, but I reminisce. This was about the extent of my experience with watercolors.

Now, almost 20 years later I find myself volunteering to run a Girl Scouts meeting on painting with watercolor. Initially, I planned on just teaching the kids to paint with acrylics which would have been more like painting with oil paints, but the plan evolved. It looks like I have about a month to relearn how to paint with watercolors!

Luckily, I still have “The Watercolor Handbook” that I got when I was in high school. It’s a precious little book with a lot of nice illustrations.

The sketch of the rabbits is from an old art journal. Expect to see some new watercolor sketches as I prepare for the lesson.

1 Comment

  • RDC

    12.09.2010 at 00:21 Reply

    Yay! I’m excited to see your watercolors. I’ll keep checking back for updates.

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