The Facebook Controversy

Many people and institutions that I admire are unhappy about Facebook’s policy on censoring nudity in artwork. Simply put, I think that Facebook has a right to censor nudity on their own site. I certainly don’t believe that artwork with nude figures need to be censored from the public eye, but how can Facebook afford to get involved in judging? The simplest solution is for Facebook to censor all nude images; otherwise, who is to say what is okay and what is not? Some images may be tasteful, but some may not. There are young children on Facebook, and I wouldn’t want them to see inappropriate or obscene images. Facebook wasn’t intended to be a showcase for artwork; therefore, artists need to seek out other venues to show work with nudity.

1 Comment

  • William Harris

    22.02.2011 at 13:52 Reply

    Very well said; I completely agree. My initial reaction was against Facebook’s position for obvious reasons, but ultimately, we as artists are using their services for reasons that may not be in their best interests. When push comes to shove it’s probably best to just form other venues that won’t create such a conflict.

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