The Paintings of Andrew Wyeth

“I dream a lot. I do more painting when I’m not painting. It’s in the subconscious.” ~ Andrew Wyeth

I can relate to Wyeth’s art because I probably paint for some of the same reasons he did. I usually think of ideas for my paintings when I am walking to and from work. Unfortunately, I rarely put these ideas down on paper. My painting, Sleeping Child, was inspired by a dream I had. Oddly, I chose to paint the dreamer rather than dream itself. I think paintings influenced by dreams have a mysterious quality to them — even if the painting isn’t a literal a representation of the dream. I love Wyeth’s painting above. I wonder what propelled him to paint this image.


1 Comment

  • Stephanie

    22.07.2010 at 09:54 Reply

    I hope I am not misinterpreting his quote. Could he mean that he actually has dreams in which he is painting? Once I dreamed I was doing office work.

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